Thursday 16 June 2011


Hello, I'm Darren.
(Hello, Darren)
The voices in my head are still here.
Judging me, Testing me, Confusing me.
Making me do bad things.
(What bad things Darren)
Very bad things.
I'm a lonely man, i walk alone, i eat and sleep alone, although some days i appear fine to the people i work with and friends and my family i ....
(Darren, come on i thought we were past this)
Sorry, i am alone.
(Good, now start again)
I don't want too.
(Start again Darren)
(Darren, start again!)
Ok, it all started way back, before i can remember, haunting me, it won't leave me alone, but how am i alone?
(I don't understand?)
How can i be alone? When i have the voices in my head. How can i be sad, worried, afraid when i have the voices in my head, they may haunt me but i am not alone.
(Darren, i don't understand, do you know where we are)
In Hell, a Hell i never believed possible, a Hell that i will take for granted until i perish and move on to the next.
(Darren your scaring me)
I'm alive! I should be embracing life i shouldn't be here ... But i can't leave, i'm trapped, i'm a slave, i'm inprisoned.
(We can't leave Darren)
I know, i won't to sleep now, please stop.
(Sorry Darren i can't do that until you forgive yourself)
Please, just stop the pain, i have suffered enough!
(No Darren, we will continue until finally you let go)
Never, never, never, i'm so sorry for what i did! Just let me sleep i have not slept in days, i'm so, so, tire, tir, ti.
(Darren? Darren!, No, no you can't do this, no, you can't leave me, alone, again Darren, again!, You leave me alone to rot again, i hate you Darren, may you burn in Hell!)

Darren Smith - 1971-2002, died age 31 in his prison cell in North America. It is believed that Darren was screaming and talking to himself just before his death. Darren was convicted with the the murder of his wife, Emily Smith, and their two children, Daisy Smith and Rebecca Smith, aged 7 and 9. Darren Smith, was sentenced to death, however only last four weeks in prison before dying of unexplained courses. Darren, clearly, had developed mental health issues after the murder of his wife and children. Darren pleaded several times within the court case, 'Please stop the voices in my head'. It was said by Doctor Davison, Darren's mental health doctor in his time at prison, that the voices in his head was the ones of his late wife, that he mudered in July of 2002.

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