Thursday 16 June 2011

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

"In terms of plot, Day Off is pretty insubstantial - what makes the film are Broderick's post-modern asides to camera and the sheer sense of joy at running off the rails and 'seeing what's out there'. These aren't bad kids, and naughty Ferris is the most likeable of all, living out a day off-the-leash in style before doing the right thing with the rest of his life. Day Off is an escape-fantasy we can all remember, that moment when you sneak a quick peek at the freedom that won't mean quite as much to you by the time you earn it properly."
Imagine what happens next.....where? when ? how?

After watching the first two scenes of Ferris Bueller's day off, we, as the audience, can almost automatically identify Ferris' character due to the techniques used. An extremely unique technique is used within Ferris Bueller's day off, known as 'breaking down the forth wall'. This originally began in plays, writen by Brecht, who would create pieces of drama, such as 'Exception and the Rule', for the Hilter youth programme, involving hidden messages and morals, so suttle that the children hopefully would understand what the programme was trying to achieve was wrong, without getting caught by German officers. This technique allowed actors or members of the cast to interact with the audience directly, this would break down the sence of realism, allowing the audience to understand that what was being portrayed infront of them was fictional. Within Ferris Bueller's day off, the same technique is used by Ferris' character, interacting with the audience, this allows me to believe that the events yet to come will be some what unrealistic. However this technique also allows us, as the audience, to feel part of the narrative. Allowing us, as the narrative continues, to form a bond or friend like relationship with the protagonist, Ferris.

The antagonist of the narrative is Ferris' head master. However due to the technique used to break down the forth wall, Ferris becomes our narrator, even though Ferris is not a retrospective narrator, his views and oppinions on other characters will be biased. This meaning that the codes and conventions of this genre of cinema, sterotypically the head master or a teacher and thier student or students will not interact with each other in a friendly manor, corsing friction and tension between characters.

Locations used within Ferris Bueller's day off and their effect on the audience.

Ferris' bedroom & house - These locations are used, such as Ferris' bedroom, allows us as the audience to get a insite of Ferris' character, due to the use of props, such as the posters on his wall and the state of his surroundings, his bedroom. It is clear, in terms of Ferris' costume, Ferris feel comfortable within his home, and especially his bedroom, which appears to be portrayed as a safe haven for the narrative's protagonist. Due to the technique used of breaking down the forth wall, because Ferris is believed to feel comfortable within a certain location, when there, and when interacting with the audience, the audience then become comfortable and at ease in which location the scene is set.

Ferris' school - This is a contrasting location to Ferris' bedroom and home, as it is portayed as 'boring', due to the fact that Ferris has taken, 'nine days of this term'. Due to the amount of fun Ferris' character appears to be having within the location of his own home, it comtrasts with the lack of fun children are having within school. We see this in the classroom scene, when the register is being taken, in an extremely dull tone, several characters respond in a very low tone when delivering their dialogue, as they are bored within this location and one student responds in a aggresive manor.

My prodiction for outcome of the narrative.

I believe that Ferris' mother will try to contact Ferris to comfront him about his lack of attendance at school, however will not be able to reach him at home, as he has plans to meet up with his, also 'sick', friend, Cameron. I then believe Ferris' mother will contact his father and one of his parents will leave work, travel to their home to find Ferris not there.

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