Thursday 16 June 2011

Cinema Paradiso

Discuss the representation of 'first love' in this clip. Try to include all the technical terms in your discussion.

Cinema Paradiso Trailer

Camera - We can see within the trailer for Cinema Paradiso, that the male lead character's first love is infact his love of cinema. A few camera shots and angles highlighted this view of how the lead character's true love is for the love of film, the shot when he is of a young age and runs towards the projector, to grab the film and stare into  the tape at the characters. His body language and facial expression within this shot tells us how his first love is cinema and how his heart belongs to film. Also the use of camera, later on within the trailer, when of an older age, he looks through a gate, with an old fashioned camera pressed up against his face. This tells the audience, that symbolically, the camera is part of him, also the position of the camera, at his eye level, tells us that everything he sees he relates to film.

Sound - The parrallel music, changes throughout the trailer, to show the dramatic changes of emotions as the narrative follows Cinema Paradiso's lead character. This tells the audience that the lead character, has a vary of emotions throughout the narrative, however whenever we see a shot of the lead male character watching film, interacting through film or using props that link to cinema, the music becomes more upbeat, showing to the audience that film is the love of this characters life.

Lighting - Within the cinema scenes, where the lighting is low key, at the beginning of the trailer for Cinema Paradiso, the lead character is of a young age, where his love for cinema begins. We see his love for cinema, when we see a mid shot, as he looks out towards the scene, there is light key lighting on his face. Metaphorically this tells the audience that the lead character lights up when watching cinema, and all problems and issues leave him.

Editing - Due to this clip being a trailer, there is alot of editing, to fit several snipits of scenes together to appeal to a target audience to go and watch this piece of cinema. This shots are put into a certain order, to portray a narrative in a short amount of time, but long enough to grab an audience and influence them to buy tickets and watch Cinema Paradiso. The main character's second love, is the women with blond hair within the trailer, who we see him romantically, passionately kissing throughout the clip. We see these two loves come together throughout the trailer. We see several shots, as a young boy, the lead character watching film and becoming very intimate with cinema, then as he grows older becomes interested in this women, then we begin to see contrasting clips of both loves, as they finall come together. The shot in which both loves come together, when the lead character lays on his bed, with a high angle mid shot revealing our character is feeling vunerable and weak, and projects a image of the women onto the wall by his bed. He then kisses the projection. This represents that although he may have 'lost' this women, he will always have his love for film and cinema.

Props - The props of the camera and the film role that the character holds so tight are symbolic that he never wants to let go of these props connected to cinema. Meaning that film will never leave him, no matter how many chances at love he may have with women, film will never stray far from his heart.

Colour - The colour of black and white withing film in the trailer, is a metaphoric symbol, that represents that within a film, love is simple, however within real life, nothing is simple. This meanign that the lead role's love for film will never leave him as it is simple and true love however as we see within the clip, as the women leaves him several times, there is always obstacles within love, by cinema will never leave him.

Compare falling in love with Y Tu Mama Tambien trailer.

The portral of love within these two films are contrasting however do have some similarities. The love within Y Tu Mama Tambien, is the love of freedom. We see this within the trailer as all three characters, sink under water, symbolic to baptism, the characters are being cleansed of their sins. This shows that although they may have done bad things, by they are given another chance by God, to experience the best of life, to start again and to have freedom. Also similair to Cinema Paradiso, the two lead characters within Y Tu Mama Tambien, have a second love, the women featured within the trailer who travels with them. We see several contrasting shots within the trailer, when one of the characters look at the window to see a police car with officers carrying weapons such as guns and then see a father carrying his nearly married daughter. The other lead character, also looks out to see a dead body covered with a blanket and then sees a women and her husband walking away from a church, who have just married. These shots show they want to leave the politics and war, espace the pain and suffering and find freedom. However on the route to find freedom they both find love, within the same women. This is similair to the love within Cinema Paradiso, as the lead character has his first love of cinema and his second love of a women. Also within both of the trailers, both the loves combine. We see in Y Tu Mama Tambien's trailer, the love of freedom combining with the love of the women. Also within Cinema Paradiso, the love of cinema and film come together with the main character's love for the blond women featured within the trailer.

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