Monday 29 August 2011

Story Line and How It Will Be Shown. First Idea.

Man, women and child stand over a grave, the women steps towards the grave to lay down flowers. The camera then reveals the grave headstone to the audience, revealing it is the women´s mother, child´s grandmother. The women steps back the man puts his arm around her shoulder, and the boy stands between them. The boy and man are both wearing navy suits, representing the son will one day become his father, a kind, loving, sucessful man, and the women wears black to show she is in morning. We then see shots of the women sitting alone drinking, then father comes home to find her sitting in darkness, there are no clear signs of her being drunk, such as props, however through camera movement and editing techniques to the audience this will be clear. The man and women begin to argue, and she tries to fight his chest and ends up falling into his arms, the man kisses her forehead. While this shot is being taken, there is a shot reverse shot, fromthe action, to the boy looking through the banisters at his parents argueing, he then runs to his room, and pulls the cover over his head. We then see the women talking to her son, shouting at him and then her breaking down, telling him to leave the room, and that one day she will leave him as her mother left her, the boy walks out of the room. The screen faids to black. We see the women out down a glass of wine, pull a chair over, stand upon it, and slowly reach for a slim rope, she pulls it tight, we then see a close up of her feet, as she slowly steps of the chair. While happening constantly building tension. As her foot hits the floor, we see a bright white light. representing hevan, a second chance and rebirth. The door swings open to see the man and boy standing there. the boys facial expression looks shocked, however then he smiles, the camera pans to see a room full of his friends and family, the women stands in the middle, as the centre piece, she looks up and smiles, it is then clear to the audience she is putting up a pinyater or decerations. the man walks up to the women, kisses her, whispers, "I´m glad your back". They stand side by side, the boy then stands inbetween, the same position as the first scene, representing their family and the mother are back to how they used to be before the death of her mother. The boy looks up, smiles, and looks towards the camera, and it faids to black.

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