Monday 29 August 2011

Art Representing The Feelings Of Charatcers.

This piece of art represents the character, Sarah, as she looks down to the world, all though she is high, on top, sucessful and was previously happy, she feels as if she may have to end this due to the death of her mother, also the colours such as black represent the emotions perfectally showing she feels dark feelings towards the death of her mother.

Again this piece of art looks as if the character has lost it all, feeling weak, ill and alone. It shows the youth and inicence the character has, that after teh death of her mother she almost feels like a child again, with no one to look after her.

This piece of art is similiar to the one above, however i believe this one represents the inicence of the character better, the characters facial expression show she feels lost, weak and alone, similiar to the characters i want to portray through sarah. However the while colours symbolising newand purity also point to a new start, which our project is all about, comn gover the bad times to make good, rites of passage.

This piece is fantastic and it also puts a religious spin on the emotions, relating to death and new life. Which our character has to go through in our piece. I believe this shows sarashs fight to stay a good person, however it tempted by the bad in life, and shows that although she is desperete to break away she finds it so hard too.

This is my favourite of all the pieces of art, it shows an angel, dark and with ´fake´wings. I believe this represents a dark angel is coming to take her to her death. However the character, in the purple who i believe to be our character Sarah, has her back turnt and puts her hands out to stop the angel from taken her, showing she is not ready to leave her family, son and life. Also the small bottle of wine in the bottom left corner also links to Sarah´s drinking problem.

This piece is almost a prequel to our piece, how i believe Sarah would be at her mother´s bed side, weeping over her almost certain faite. I think it also gives us an insite of Sarah´s mother, her facial expression represent she is ready to die and wants her family to be happy and live their lives as normal when she leaves. This is a key factor to our piece as it shows that when Sarah changes back to how she once was, it´s not just for her, her son, her family but in her mother´s honour.

This is similair to the piece of art above, i believe that this shows how it effects the whole family, because the story follows Sarah, doesn´t mean other character´s and family members are not effected by the death of a loved one or how another person deals with a death of a loved one. Which fits in perfectally with our piece.

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