Wednesday 13 July 2011

Inspiring Art To Influence Film

Subject matter - The beauty of life through a child's eyes/ Mental illness/ Children helping alduts see the true meaning of life.

'The Illness of Life'.

'World' of the art
Location and setting
Artist's perspective
Why? The message and idea
What inspired the artist.


The Blue and Rose periods 1901-1906

The Tragedy - 1903

This painting tells me the story of two adults turning their backs on a child. I believe due to the use of dark colours such as dark blues and blacks the adults are over come with guilt and sorro due to their decision to leave their child. However a part of me also believes this paionting does not represent that at all in fact another theory of mine is that the adults are weak, due to the low key lighting which reflects that mood, and the child is reasurring them and caring for them, making them feel safe and alive. Both of the feelings relate to the subject matter that me and my group have choosen, it fits in with both the beauty of life through a childrens eyes and also the beauty of how a child can influence an adult to become a better person.

Tumblers - 1905

This painting fantastically represents, in my oppinion, the subject matter we have choosen. It shows the closeness of a mother and child through the lack of space between them, the bond between and mother and child due to the fact the mother gave birth to the child, however how far apart they are in terms of love and emotion, i say this due to the facial expression of the m,other and child, the body language and how they look in different directions, showing they do not connect and both wants different things. This relates to the subject matter of how a child can effect the life of an adulkt and can represent how child are not always the key to happiness however wisdom and knowledge is key when bringing up a child. It also shows the importance of children in life and how not always a bond, even as sacred as one between a mother a child, can be stronge enough to last through life.


La Danse - 1909


Geopolitical child watching the birth of the new man - 1943

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