Monday 19 September 2011

The Other Way Around.

The other way around
Oscar is in a wheelchair because his legs are paralysed. Oscar is picked on by the school bully. One day Oscar is being picked on by Billy and both of them get electrocuted/static passes through them. When they wake up the next day Oscar can walk again, but Billy can’t walk anymore. The film ends with Oscar walking towards his mum and both of them are happy, while Billy’s mum is crying, while he says “I can’t move my legs”. Finally the dad comes in with a brand new wheelchair.
low-key lighting at the start of film. High-key at the end of the film for Oscar, but low-key at the end of the film for Billy.
Billy- quite large, black hair and a snub nose
He loves his family, but is really annoyed with the fact that his little sister gets all the attention because she suffers  from dyslexia. He can’t go out that much because he always gets stuck looking after his sister. Instead of compassion for his sister he has resentment for her. When everyone starts giving Oscar attention at school he fears that he will lose his life again; like how he lost control over his life at home. He starts picking on Oscar to stop this from happening and to let out his frustrations.
Oscar- Skinny, fragile and pale looking
His father left when he was young due to him not wanting to take responsibility of  a disabled baby. His mum is a social worker and she loves Oscar very much. Their living in a house the council gave them due to Oscar being disabled. He knows his mum works very hard to look after him. She works late at night to pay for the extra money  needed due to Oscar’s disability. He thinks that it’s his own fault that his dad left and his dad is always tired. To pay her back for what she does for him she doesn’t tell her about the bullying, so that he doesn’t worry her.
Wheelchair for Oscar and Billy
Both boys are 8 years old and they are both English families.
Camera shots
There would be a lot of low-angle shots looking up at Billy to show how he’s more powerful than Oscar.
Black and white colours for Oscar and colourful colour’s for Billy. At the end the final scene will be a split screen and the black and white world will become Billy’s world and the colourfull world will become Oscars.

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