Monday 26 September 2011

Comparing Ideas.

Whether or not you have lost someone it will pull at your heart strings. This story is extremely poignant and will allow you to truly understand the narrative from the characters perspective and will allow the target audience to fully experience the pain. Those who are involved in creating the project have experienced these feelings and the narrative is based on the emotions that the film makers have felt. Fountain of youth is very personal to us and we are passionate due to it being close to our hearts and we believe everyone can relate to this narrative. After discussing the idea we automatically began debating how to create and show the narrative using camera, sound and mese en scene, arranging location also come up, showing our drive for the project. The change of events also is a fantastic way to show our creativity as a group, we didn’t want to show just a sad narrative, we wanted to control our target audience’s emotions. The twist is an amazing way to tie up all loose ends. The idea about the bus within the second treatment was just not practical. This is just not practical because it wouldn’t be done in time and that is not fair on such a fantastic narrative. We would not have been able to create the narrative as it deserved to be due to the time period. We had originality with the first treatment, the way we want to show death, is far different to anything we have ever heard before.

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