Friday 26 August 2011

Character Profile.

Name - Sarah
Sex - Female
Age - 29
Occupation - Dental Nurse
Relationships - Husband (Jake - Male - 32) & Daughter (Andy - Male - 8)

Sarah has a some what happy life before the death of her mother, her rite of passage, she works hard at her job which is around fifteen minutes if the buses are running on time from her home in Debden. Her and her husband, Jake, get alond reasonable well apart from those silly arguements that Jake always seems to use the family car to travel to work and leave Sarah to get the bus. They talk on Facebook on their breaks and tell each other about their day while their son Andy draws and writes in his school where his teacher informs his parents he is doing very well apart from an incident where he threw a piece of lego at another child after he stole a drawing of Andy´s. They all regroup at home, watch television and live in a happy family home. So it is obvious to see the dramatic change when this all changes dramatically when Sarah´s mother, and best friend, passes away at the age of 67, course of death, cancer of the lungs. The house hold is ruins and so is Sarah. She begins doubting her marriage, her relationship with Andy, friends, family and even that of her own life. Suicidal and depressed it is clear Sarah needs help, however it turns out it comes from the most unexpected place, the love from her eight year old boy, Andy.

Played By Louise Hewison. 

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