Wednesday 6 July 2011

Interview With Floyd (True Romance)

This is an interview with Floyd, Dick's roomate, from the crime romance, True Romance, played by Brad Pitt.

Floyd, Did you know what was going on around you?

Erm, No, not really man. I mean it was crazy, things where happening like wow. It was crazy man. I kinder knew what was going on, but i didn't get out of the flat much before Dick got shot, so i felt a bit out of the way man.

On the topic of drugs, how long have you been taking them and why are you?

Since i was small man. Years now, wow i long freckin' time. I think it's just cool to feel at eaourself se and at one with yourself. I have been a ruster for around ten years, i feel asif Jal has given me the right to smoke pot and just chill, make some money here and there, yeah it's cool.

How did it feel when approached by the mafia?

Yeah, wow scary man, that was crazy. But i told them, Hey just back off, and they left. But for a while i was thinking dude is this for real. But then i just broke out of there and didn't look back.

What do you do with your time now?

Still smoking pot man, selling pot, practices my karate and you know just, well i got a few bucks after Dick got shot you know so it's knider ok at the moment if i am honest i am just chilling with a shit load of cash to buy drugs man.

What is your relationships with the other characters you shared the previous experiences with?

Well Dick's gone and the rest of those guys i aint seen since that time at the old house, but yeah they was preety cool dudes, the girl was preety hot too, i hope there ok, especially the girl, she was awesome, great rack, but yeah they was cool, but like i said man, i aint seen them since.

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