Tuesday 21 June 2011

Stripes (Short Film)

White male - Wealthy/Bully
Black male - Victim/Working class

Rites of passage - Stripes - The black males rite of passage was the scar on his arm given to him by the white male, fifteen years ago, with a compass, at school within their maths class. The white male's rite of passage was given to him by the black male fifteen years later, a scar on his face, so every day he would see it and be reminded how he gave the black male his rite of passage or scar.

Keywords & Themes - Madness, insanity, planning, plotting, revenge, scar, pain, suffering, torment, life changing, anger.

"Eddie? Shithead!" - This was said by the black male, revealing to the audience how he was tortured by the white male as a child.
"Please don't" - The white male begging the black male not to cut his face with a stanley knife.

These qoutes show after the black male gives the white male his rite of passage, they are even and both as bad as each other, both feel the pain that the black male felt everyday for fifteen years.

We see some use of camera and props to portray the emotions felt by both characters.

We see the use of the kettle. The kettle is boiling, we also see the editing used, when we see a show revere shot, showing us a close up of the black male and then the kettle boiling more furiously. This portrays the emotions of the black male as his anger is getting worse and worse as the white male approches the door.
We also see the blurring of the camera. This represents from the white male's perspective that his is injuried and his vision is blurred. It also shows the black male's vision to have been blurred for fifteen years due to the bullying he suffered from the white male as a child.
We also the room becoming white. This represents an interigation room, as if the black male is interigating a case to find the white males motive for the torment he put him through. This also could represent the purity of the situation, that after giving him his rite of passage, both the black male and white male will be equal and mutual.

Black male/ White male - Complete oppisites

Beards - Black male's beard is rough = Suited character. White male's beard, clean shaven, doesn't think about the past, cares about his apperance but doesn't take responsibility for his actions.

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